
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"Homeless Chic"?

The fashion world is always filled with crazy surprises. Well, as long as Lady Gaga and her Haus of Gaga are still around. All jokes aside, we all can agree that we never really know what's next in the fashion industry. What makes the industry so wonderful, is that we have the choice whether or not we follow the latest trend. We can follow trends or we can make them our own or we can completely ignore them and go entirely against them. I think that's wonderful, I really do. I don't like the idea of everyone looking a certain way or feeling the need to look a certain way, but enough about people expressing their individual styles because what I am about to talk about has nothing to do with individuality(That's another blogpost within itself).

When I first heard the term "homeless chic", I jokingly thought to myself, it's actually called derelicte duh!(that was a reference to the movie Zoolander if you haven't seen it, you're missing out). I didn't actually think that this would become a trend, but unfortunately it has. My question is, how many people actually follow this "homeless chic"-ness?

I thought the concept was dumb from the get go. I thought that fashionistas actually buying into this tacky trend(yes, a trend can be tacky) were being ripped off. I thought that the designers were being lazy. Aside from that, I didn't really care because I knew that there were people who felt the same way. 

Until, I noticed people associated "homeless chic" with hipsters. Seriously? Sure, we're trendsetters and our style is unconventional, but since when has nonconformity been synonymous with looking like a hobo. The truth is, I can't help but find the whole look somewhat offensive. It's like you want to look like someone who looks the way do because they cant afford to look any different. Does that make sense? The sad part is that everyone is getting ripped off. The homeless chic-ers are trying to look like a poor person with expensive poor-quality clothes. There's just something not right with that. 

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